Yes, Daddy.
You are to be a success. That means you will make a great deal of money and you will be powerful. These are the only measures of a real man. If you do not achieve both goals, you will be a failure. No son of mine will be a failure. Do you understand?
Yes, Daddy.
Never admit to anyone you are wrong. EVER! You take it as reality that you never make mistakes. And that you know everything, are smarter than everyone else about every subject, and you never doubt it.
Yes, Daddy.
Say whatever it takes to achieve your goals. If other people indicate you are lying or state anything negative about you, you are to know they are wrong. Ignore what they say and accuse them loudly and repeatedly of the same thing. Never back down.
Yes, Daddy.
If someone who works for you disagrees with you in any way, fire them and state categorically that they are incompetent and worthless. Even if you have previously praised them when you hired them. Never indicate you have changed your mind. Just concentrate on how bad they are.
Yes, Daddy.
If people want what you want, or stand in your way for any reason, make up derogatory names for them and use the names over and over. Squash them in every way you can. You can refer to their looks, their stupidity, or any other attribute that denigrates them. Do not worry about truth, because what you say will become the truth. Be merciless.
Yes, Daddy.
Do not waste time learning in school about anything except making money and gaining power.
Yes, Daddy.
Do not dare to fail me, Donald. If you act as instructed, there is no limit to what you can accomplish, including becoming president of the United States.
Donald learned his lessons well and by lying, insulting, and mocking, he was able to convince many people that he possessed all the attributes of a good president. He liked being president. He had more power than his father ever had.
He wanted to keep being president. He would need to win Florida in the next election. He looked around and found a subservient congressman from that state.
He talked to the congressman and told him he thought of him as a son. He asked the congressman if he’d like to be governor of Florida. The congressman drooled and said he would. So Donald made it happen. The congressman knew he owed complete allegiance to Donald.
COVID-19 came to Florida. The congressman, now governor, knew it would be wise to shut the state down. He flew to Washington to ask permission and Donald said that would be all right for a short time, so the governor returned home and did it.
As the virus advanced, Donald said many things. Hydroxychloroquine was a cure for the virus. The virus isn’t all that bad and would go away soon. The country must open up from the shutdown. The country must not shut down again. Schools must reopen even if the virus was surging. There must be no official requirement that masks be worn.
He called in the man who was like a son to him and said, “Do you understand, Ron?”
“Yes, Daddy.”