Now I have to register disgust for the stand he has taken on Biden’s agenda. In particular, for his opposition to climate initiatives. Because of the strange current makeup of the Senate, he, or any Democratic senator, has veto power on Biden’s bills. From what I understand, much of the intended climate action is being eliminated from the bill because of Manchin.
Manchin is from a swing state heavily dependent on coal, that long time resource contributing so much to the climate crisis.
He was faced with a decision. Option 1 was to take the easy road and play up to his constituents and use his power to preserve the status quo, the status quo which is dangerously close to the point where our planet will be brought to its knees. Or he could select Option 2 by supporting action which places the coal industry in his state at risk but achieves the high ground of recognizing a true crisis that affects the entire world.
He could be a coward or a hero.
We know his choice.
I am tired of people not recognizing what a danger climate change is. There are many disturbing problems facing our nation and our world. It’s quite possible climate change is the worst. After all, if we don’t deal with that, life will be so miserable, if it still exists, we won’t be able to think of anything else.
I’m angry with all those who refuse to face up to it, who put personal profit or gain before literally saving the world. So I’m mad at Joe Manchin for not accepting its dangers and also for putting his job preservation in front of his duty to protect our country.
And I’m mad at the politicians who for decades have ignored the warnings and could have taken actions that would have been more effective and less expensive than any solutions that might remain at this late date.
I’m mad at the fat cats sitting on their fossil burning portfolios and raking in the money as the air we breathe fills with smog and smoke and becomes ever more foul and hotter.
I’m mad at the workers who claim to possess only one skill and refuse to learn another, at government expense, so they can shift from the pollution sector to the green sector. These workers would rather soak in the promises of the demagogues who blast change so they can be elected to office, even the highest office of the land.
I’m mad at the scientists for not more forcefully stating their case and spending as much effort on finding effective ways to get their message to the public as they do with all their observations, mathematical models, and fancy equations.
No matter what people say or what they don’t, what they do or what they don’t, if we don’t attack this problem NOW, it will affect some of us a little with more serious weather conditions and rising seas. It will affect our children more. It will cause our grandchildren to face devastating situations. And I don’t want to even try to imagine what it will be like for our great grandchildren.
The crisis is real. And unless it’s met head on, it’s going to kill our planet. No matter what the politicians or fat cats or workers say.
So, to all the Joe Manchins of this world, grow up! This may be your last chance.