Those stalwart defenders of our constitution have decided it’s time to launch impeachment proceedings against the president. Why are they doing it?
Perhaps it’s because the public is demanding such action. No, that can’t be the reason. Polls show indifference or opposition to the procedure. Instead, the issues polls say are of interest include the economy, immigration, health care, national security, climate change, and guns. Impeachment didn’t even make the list. But our brilliant Democrats have decided to move the discussion and headlines away from subjects truly important to Americans.
Well, maybe it’s because previous impeachment attempts have been successful so there’s every reason to expect this one to be. Bit of a problem here, though. The two presidents who have been impeached are Andrew Johnson and William Clinton. Neither was removed. It’s just hard to do that, because it takes a two-thirds vote of the Senate.
One might counter by saying impeachment would have been successful against Richard Nixon. Perhaps so, which probably explains his resignation. But things were different then. First, unlike today, the public was supportive of the action. Second, there was not blind allegiance to party. Conservative Barry Goldwater, viewed with contempt these days by the ultraright Republicans he would not recognize, told Nixon he’d have to support at least one of the articles of impeachment. Oh my, that would not do now, because today the good Republican must kowtow to the party head, no matter how much he has forfeited the moral leadership of our country or destroyed our credibility in world affairs.
How many really think 67 of today’s senators would vote for removal when over half in the Senate are Republicans cowed by the divisiveness of Mitch McConnell? You know, the same upright guy who killed a Supreme Court nomination by Obama and has said if Trump had a similar opportunity to make one before the 2020 election, McConnell would assure the process proceeded to confirmation.
So let’s recap here. The people aren’t interested in impeachment of the president. Impeachment of presidents has never been successful. There is absolutely no hope the Senate would vote for removal.
What possible justification could there be for the Democrats to pursue such a hopeless cause?
I have heard them say, “Even if we’re not successful, at least we would have stood up.” Oh, my, doesn’t that sound grand? Makes one proud to be a Democrat. We “stand up” to evil.
Now, what exactly will be accomplished by this “standing up?”
Assuring the reelection of Donald Trump, that’s what. Don’t believe it? How do you think he’s going to react?
Can’t you hear the Twitter storm that already has begun? Trump will dominate the media. “FAKE NEWS!.” “WITCH HUNT!” “FAKE NEWS!.” PRESIDENTIAL HARASSMENT!.” “FAKE NEWS!.” “Nancy just called for impeachment…Donate NOW.” “FAKE NEWS!.”
Never forget. He is a better manipulator than any Democrat. He is a better liar than any Democrat. He will do anything that is to his benefit. And don’t think it won’t work. Remember 2016?
But wait. Perhaps we’ll get a stirring response to all this noise from the Democrats. Something that will motivate the populace, take us to new heights. Something along the lines of, “This president has acted in an unconstitutional manner.” That should rouse the troops!
The Democrats are doing what they do so well. Ruining their chances of winning the upcoming election. Focusing on all the wrong things. Playing to their own base instead of appealing to the other’s. Thinking being against Trump is enough. Being boring.
I’m scared.
Please tell me the above analysis is wrong.