Many of my Democratic friends adopted this mantra over the last couple of years. Recently it seemed their prayers might be answered as prosecutors prepared to announce an indictment.
While I would have nothing against rejoicing in such an outcome, I’ve never believed jail would ever come to pass, and I still don’t.
For one reason, our villain has enough money, ill-gotten or not, to hire high priced lawyers who will try an unending sequence of tricks to protect him. As well as highly placed immoral shakers and movers who will work toward the same goal. As well as possessing a sharply honed ability to lie and lie and lie.
It seemed that the indictment itself was a mockery of our hopes. The Trump Organization’s Chief Financial Officer, Allen Weisselberg, was accused of avoiding taxes on $1,700,000. Trump wasn’t even mentioned!
Nevertheless, many were elated when the Manhattan District Attorney announced the indictment. Why? I think it was just the hope against hope that finally, after five years of Trump venom, this somehow or other will bring him to task for his vulgarity and threats to our country’s government, environment, and well-being.
I couldn’t understand how it could. Frankly, I was shocked when the indictment was released. No Trump. A measly 1.7 million dollars.
Now, don’t get me wrong. If someone wanted to give me 1.7 million dollars I would accept gladly and think that was quite a bit of money. But, where the Trump organization lives, that’s peanuts. And, like I said, it didn’t even involve Trump, just one of his lackies. An important one, I grant you, but still not the main man.
One of the Trump organization lawyers said that, if the organization had had a different name, the charges would never have been leveled. I don’t want that to be the thought that floats through the media, but I can’t help but recognize some validity in the statement.
I also realize I’m no lawyer, and do not fully understand what it all means.
My subsequent reading has both highlighted my lack of legal understanding and restored some hope.
They, the so-called expert talking heads, not the actual prosecutors, say this may be just the beginning. That these are typical prosecutorial approaches, first steps that start out small but lead ever closer to the real goal.
They say charging the Trump Organization’s CFO, and hence causing the threat of prison to loom for him, may inspire him to turn on Trump in order to reach a deal. I hope that’s true but I’m not at all sure. This man has been with Trump for decades. He has learned lying from the master. There will be huge amounts of money behind him. We know he has low moral character if the charges leveled against him are true.
Nevertheless, I’ll wait and hope.
But suppose Donald Trump actually winds up in jail. Will that change his followers any, or will they transfer their allegiance to one of the many who have learned at the feet of the Great Manipulator how to destroy the country for their own advancement?