My hope is for a blowout for Biden, a result that is so clear that the packed courts won’t be able to save it for Trump.
If Trump wins, I fear our nation will never recover from the damage wrought over the next four years. There will be no constraints. The cowardly Republican legislators, in order to save their jobs, as opposed to their souls, will genuflect and do whatever the master commands. We will have driven the final nail into the nobility of our nation.
If Biden wins, I’m not sure what to expect.
I believe he’s a nice guy. I can only hope he’s an effective leader.
One of the problems is I think the country in the present circumstances is ungovernable. It will remain that way as long as most individuals, on the right and on the left, continue to eschew compromise.
If he wins, the problems Biden will inherit are many and fierce, from the virus to national defense to health care to poverty to racism to the national debt, etc., etc., etc. How do you solve them if compromise doesn’t exist? Oh, if House and Senate are aligned with the presidency, laws can be rammed through. And then repealed when the other party takes power. We need permanent solutions to problems, solutions that will not disappear just because a new person is in the White House. And, by the way, it won’t be long before all those problems are no longer inherited problems; they will be Biden problems.
Will Biden be able to make headway? I think he will attempt to work with Republicans. But will the Republicans respond? I’m not hopeful. Recall Mitch McConnell’s statement days into Obama’s presidency that the only goal was to make him a one term president.
And how about the Democrats? Will they be willing to compromise? Again, I’m not hopeful. Because I see the same small mindedness in the actions of the Democrats as I do in the Republicans. This is illustrated by the recent vote in the Judicial Committee to advance the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court. The vote was twelve to zip. Sounds unanimous. Except all ten Democrats on the committee boycotted the vote. Like children who didn’t get their way. And what positive did it accomplish? Absolutely nothing!
What bothers me even more is all the Democrats marched in lockstep. Not one dared to challenge the decision to boycott, at least publicly enough to vote. How is that any different from the Republican members of Congress not daring to challenge the craziness of their president?
Both parties demonstrated their intransience on Barrett’s official confirmation vote. Only one senator out of 100 had the courage to desert the party’s stand, and that’s probably because she’s in a tight reelection battle.
So I’m afraid there doesn’t appear to be any more desire to compromise by the Democrats than there is by the Republicans. I fear they will remember all too well how the Republicans have acted and revenge will be a driving force.
I would hope Biden would attempt to temper this, to steer his party into efforts to work with the opposition, in sharp contrast to the way Trump has used his party as a prop to divide the country and build himself up. And I would hope Republicans would respond in ways that have been absent since the time of Nixon.
I’m tired of my way or the highway types, no matter the party affiliation.
I’m sure you must be thinking I’m living in a dream world to even suggest the possibility of maturity. Heck, I think I’m living in a dream world.
If we win, we must be willing to be just as demanding of the Democrats as we have been of the Republicans. Especially if they can’t figure a way to govern the entire nation, not just half the nation.
So I really don’t know what a Biden administration will accomplish, or even can accomplish.
But one thing I know with absolute certainty. It must be given the opportunity to try. Because the alternative is too horrible to contemplate.