It was hoped that the disgust resulting from learning how McCarthy had ruined the lives of many, not just the young lawyer’s, would put an end to such actions forever.
Fat chance!
Donald Trump comes to mind.
But there are so many more. The current batch of Republican legislators in my state of Florida, and in many others as well, is content to ruin the lives of people just as McCarthy was. Oh, they’re cleverer now, not producing public disgrace by accusations of communism or blacklisting.
No, the result of their current actions is to subjugate millions to secondary status by restricting their ability to vote, thereby denying them the opportunity to select leaders who are interested in their welfare.
McCarthy’s views were not those of the majority of the population, and I don’t think even of the majority of his own party. However, he had the power and used it with a vengeance.
Just like the Republicans of today.
Only, sadly, this time they seem to have the backing of most of their party. Even though they are still in the minority.
In the current year, records show that in my state there are 5,183,415 Republicans registered to vote, 5,295,008 Democrats, 3,820,892 with no party affiliation, and 244,678 registered in minor parties for a total of 14,543,993 registered voters.
This means Republicans account for about 35.64% of the electorate.
The Florida Senate has 24 Republican members and 16 Democrats. The House has 78 Republicans and 42 Democrats.
Thus, Republicans control 60% of the votes in the Senate and 65% of those in the House. Not exactly reflexive of the split of registered voters.
Of course, because of an inept Democratic organization, huge amounts of money, and an unfettered willingness to engage in ugly political practices, the Republicans almost always win our statewide races. But usually by only a tiny percentage.
One might ask why, with such a small margin of victory, do they attempt to pass such sweeping legislation? Because, due to these huge majorities in the legislature and an equally vicious governor, they can. Just like McCarthy could dominate his scene.
Their appetite cannot be satisfied as they impose not only voting restrictions, but also anti protest bills, restrictions on local rule, and dangerous gun laws. And you can feel their excitement as they contemplate the redrawing of voting maps during the approaching redistricting process, an action they hope will keep them in office for decades.
No matter how low their percentage becomes.
Have they no sense of decency?